Audrey turned two on Feburary 2. We had a very quiet birthday (we didn't rent a stadium or even the Aquarium!). Carol made a cake for us and a special cupcake for Audrey. She enjoyed it very much, especially the frosting.
Audrey is definitely showing signs of being two years old. Of course it can be trying at times, but she's so darling 95% of the time. We'll see if I'm still saying that in six months.
Charlotte is almost three months old and becoming a lot more aware. She holds her head up pretty well now and smiles often. She loves attention but is also content to watch activity around her. Last checkup she was 95th percentile for weight, so she's getting plenty of nutrition!
Carol and the girls have a pretty good routine going: music class on Monday morning, working out at the YMCA on Tuesday and Thursday and Co-op preschool on Friday morning. Plus usually at least one play date a week with friends. Sounds like they have a lot of fun while I'm slaving away :)