Monday, July 23, 2007

Mid-Summer Already

How the heck did it get to be late July already?

It's been more than a month since my last post. The Bioinformatics certificate course I'm taking took over my life the past few weeks. At the end the homework, final project and studying for the final exam took every bit of my "free" time. But it paid off: the final was Saturday and I think I did very well. I'm very glad to be done with that. Now I'm free again until September when Fall semester starts. The entire course lasts three semesters.

Audrey has been taking her first swimming lessons. During the first session the instructor tried to let her float and every session after that Audrey would tell the instructor repeatedly, "Don't drop me!" Audrey also thought she was there to play, but the last couple of sessions she's started paying a little bit of attention. And last week Audrey actually swam about 15' (with water wings). She was very proud. Apparently kids can't generally learn to swim until they are four or so. But she's trying and it's a fun thing to do with her. Audrey is also in Music Camp for two hours every day this week.

Charlotte is moving closer to talking we think. Her vocalizations are sounding more and more like language. We remember this phase when Audrey was about to talk. One day it sounds like Russian, the next day Chinese, the next day German. Carol thinks today Charlotte said "tickle". We can't wait until she can tell us what she needs. For example, for the past few days she's had an intermittent fever and at times is obviously very uncomfortable but she can't tell us what would make her feel better. We think she might be getting over that bug now.

Carol has been very supportive while I was studying. She put both girls to bed every night (we usually alternate) and generally picked up all of my usual parenting duties. I'm very grateful.

Oh, we also ended up staying up too late the past two weeks because after studying we still had to watch the Tour de France every night on Tivo. At least we could fast forward. The Tour ends Sunday. It's been exciting to watch a wide open tour with no clearly dominant rider.

Carol Furniture: Planes, Trains & Automobiles

We've mentioned before that Carol was considering starting a business painting custom children's furniture. This was her first commission. Another mom from Co-op Preschool ordered a table and chairs for her two little boys Graham and Spencer. She left it up to Carol to decide on the theme and all the details.

Carol kept close track of her labor this time. She ended up spending more them than she estimated but she learned a lot. And she came up with plenty of ideas for how to do it more efficiently. For example, I'll now build in plumbing to pipe compressed air from a compressor in the garage to her studio (so she won't have to listen to the compressor). If she uses a sprayer for the primer and base coat it'll save a lot of time.

Carol's first customer was very pleased. She teared up when Carol delivered the furniture.

Monday, July 16, 2007

STP 2007

Saturday July 14th was the annual Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride. For the third year in a row, I was dumb enough to do all 204 miles in one day. I did it with the same core team of Peter Kellogg-Smith, Steve Wyand and Steve Schock. Also teaming up this year were Brian Patton, Laura Spencer and Kyle Yurchak for a total of 7 riders.

I commented in last year's report that I was in the best shape I had been in for some time. Well, this year I'm even stronger. I learned last year that doing a lot of long rides early in the season serves me well, so I focused on that again this year. That along with my daily commuting has given me some really nice conditioning.

We rolled out of the start at about 5:15am and avoided the usual chaos of the first few miles (STP attracts tons of riders who have no idea how to ride around other people). It was uneventful until the first food stop at mile 25. Brian was riding a little away from the rest of us and apparently we didn't communicate that we were stopping (he thought we weren't stopping until mile 55). He also left his phone in the car, so there was no way for us to reconnect. We were all bummed to lose a teammate, especially only 1/8 of the way into the ride. But there wasn't anything we could do so we rode on.

We had the usual great paceline riding along the West Valley Highway through the Kent Valley all the way to Sumner. Then up the only big hill of the ride at mile 44 in Puyallup (Laura's comment at the top: "That's it?!") and on to the second food stop at Spanaway.

Bob, father-in-law of the Steves (they're married to sisters), drove sag for us this year. We all got to provide our own food, so we knew we'd have vittles we liked. When we got to each stop Bob would already have a blanket spread out for stretching and the huge cooler with cold beverages. It was heaven.

Between Spanaway and Tenino we leapfrogged a guy in a CSC jersey a couple of times. I guess he liked our pace because he eventually joined our line. Normally you don't want strangers to join because you don't know and trust them (riding in a fast paceline is a huge exercise in trust), but he was doing well. Peter eventually introduced himself and found out the new guy's name was Amos.

In this stretch we also came across the guy I call the Bumble Bee. We first saw him on the Chilly Hilly ride in February and have seen him on several organized rides since. He is a big round guy and every piece of clothing on him and every piece of equipment on his bike is yellow and black. He's apparently a pretty strong rider (he was keeping pace with us for a few miles), but he could stand to learn some bike etiquette. I noticed in Tenino that he had laminated his bike number placard and added the text "Killer Bee" sort of like a license plate frame.

You don't really feel heat while riding at speed on a hot day because you're making your own breeze. But when you stop, you feel the sun like a heat lamp. That's how it felt when we stopped at the Tenino food stop. And it was only 11am.

After Tenino I was commenting that Amos must have ridden on by himself, but suddenly there he was in our line again. He had seen us leaving and hurried to catch up. So we adopted him and invited him to join the feast at the halfway point in Centralia. Amos rode with us the rest of the day, doing strong pulls and giving Steve Schock a run for his money.

Bob's sag catering got more and more seductive the farther we rode. Plus we started making the mistake of taking off our shoes at every rest stop. We have this pattern every year: ride really fast and blow by everyone on the road, then stay way too long at the rest stops so they all pass us again. We end up passing everyone else in the ride five or six times during the day. Oh well, the passing is fun! There is no feeling in the world like flying along in a paceline at 26 or 27 mph with friends you trust.

My main goal this year was to avoid the bonk. I especially wanted to avoid bonking in the section after crossing the Longview bridge (mile 150) into Oregon. I ate a Hammer Gel just before the bridge this year and it served me well. We all rode strong and stayed together to the last rest stop at mile 175.

At the last stop my body was done with eating. We estimate that someone of my size burns at least 7,000-8,000 calories on this ride, but you just can't eat that many calories in a day. To put that in perspective, if you ate only Clif bars (for example) that would equate to 35 to 40 bars. So while my body still felt fine, I was really concerned I'd run out of gas somewhere in the last 30 miles. I soldiered on and before I knew it we were coming into the outskirts of Portland and then we were at the finish at 7:13pm. 10:20 riding time (19.7mph average) and 14 hours wall clock time (see? long breaks!). Guess who was there? Brian. He had arrived at 5:30.

The weather was hot and muggy. Carol said the car thermometer hit 90 on her drive down to Portland. We all did well staying hydrated, although I had a pretty good headache by the finish. Several of us had big salt patches on our clothing. We had no flat tires or other mechanical issues. We had a couple of wheel touches with each other, but nobody went down.

Each year has gotten better for me. In 2005 I felt like the strong riders in the group dragged me to Portland (and I bonked at 80 miles but recovered). In 2006 I felt much better but bonked at 160 miles (then recovered). This year I faltered a little mentally at 175 miles but never bonked. Plus I felt like I really pulled my weight for the first time. That was satisfying.

There are more photos from Laura Spencer here.