Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkin Hurl & Corn Maze

Yesterday we had a delightful family outing to a couple of Fall-related events.

First we attended the Pumpkin Hurl. Teams build trebuchets (medieval catapults) and use them to fling pumpkins up to 1/3 mile. The event was previously held in Skagit County but the machines outgrew the location and were threatening to launch the pumpkins off the property. This year they moved to a dairy farm in Snohomish with a range longer than 1/2 mile.

The machines were cool. The largest was a traditional design named "TreBarbaric" that is 78' tall. We got there a couple of hours after the start so we only saw it fire twice. The first time it flung the pumpkin over the crowd and the event village, but it flung the thing so damn far that it didn't matter. It traveled well past the village *and* the parking lot beyond. The second throw we saw was in the range but the pumpkin traveled so fast it was difficult to track it.

There were also several less gargantuan machines of more modern design. "Gourdinator" was built by loggers and used V8 engine blocks for weight - a play on the nickname for trebuchets: engines of war.

I shot some video of the event that you can see on YouTube.

Next we drove a few miles away to the corn maze at Bob's Corn. We'd never been to a corn maze before. There are several associated with the same festival as the Hurl. The mother of the owner was manning the maze entrance and warned us that young kids can have trouble with patience, but we decided to go for it. The girls had a great time. It took us about 35 minutes to get through the first half. We decided to quit while we were ahead and rode the hay cart back to the main farm. There, the girls got to ride tricycles and bikes around a little track. We confirmed that the bike we have for Audrey at home is too big for her, because on a smaller bike she jumped right on and went nuts. Audrey and I raced a bunch of laps and had a blast.

The weather was blustery all day. We got lucky since it only rained when we were in the car. I expected to be home mid-afternoon but we didn't get home until 6. It was a very successful and fun family day. We'll definitely go back to both events next year.

Friday Night Pizza (Sep '08)

Friday I sneaked out of work a little early and we performed our ritual of pizza at Pegasus followed by a walk on the seawall and beach at Alki. It was drizzly and misty out, but the temperature was in the high 60s and it was comfortable out. The girls took their shoes off to walk in the wet sand and splash in the puddles. We were going straight home, five minutes away, so we didn't care if they got wet and a little cold. We had the beach pretty much to ourselves.

On these evenings at the beach Carol and I always look at each other and express our appreciation for each other and the life we have.

Carol's 40th Birthday

Carol attained the Big Four-Oh in mid-September. I was not completely mentally present after my crash and didn't think about a big celebration until her birthday was getting really close, but she had her own ideas for a party anyway. We wanted to have a garden party as a first celebration in our new back yard.

Carol invited her entire family to dinner on Saturday evening. Of course, it poured rain. But we had a very pleasant gathering. Carol's niece and nephews are getting old enough that we can all sit around the table and talk and we really enjoyed their company, as well as that of Carol's brothers and parents of course. Audrey and Charlotte love having their cousins over.

The main gift Carol wanted from me was a garden consultation from a local nursery. The gardener came over for 90 minutes Saturday morning and Carol got a lot of the kind of information she needed: how to organize the garden and which types of plants would go in which areas. Looks like we'll have some huckleberries and blueberries as well as vegetables.

We didn't get our vegetable planters built until mid-July but Carol and the girls threw in some seeds for fun. We got a couple of heads of lettuce, some miniature carrots and now we have three or four small zucchinis.

On Friday night of Carol's birthday weekend my parents took the girls overnight and we had a real date. We had a nice dinner and a movie and, the best part of all, no one waking us up in the morning.

Back to School

We enjoyed a splendid Indian Summer in Seattle this year. The latter half of September was warm and sunny. Audrey and Charlotte love the new lawn and play together in it. Audrey loves to tumble. She has determined that the lawn is 7 somersaults long.

Beginning of Fall brought the annual spider invasion both in the house and outside. It seems to have subsided now, but for two weeks there was a spider everywhere we looked. Audrey would ask us to clear the swing set every day but the next day the whole collection of webs would be back. We also had one spider who took up "permanent" residence on the outside of our kitchen sink window. Carol got to watch him/her devour more than one large insect. S/he disappeared when we had a pane in the window repaired.

Audrey goes to preschool for half day four days a week this year and Charlotte goes two days (at the same time as Audrey). Carol works one day in each class, has one afternoon alone with Charlotte and one morning all to herself. Audrey's class has 12 boys and 8 girls. Carol reports that the energy level can get pretty crazy.

I'm 95% recovered from my bike crash. Still occasional pain in my chest after exertion but for the most part I'm fine. I've ridden my bike to work every day for the past two weeks. It was a shame to fall so quickly from my peak condition of the year, but I'm slowly building it back.