Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remember those leaves the girls were jumping in? It was finally time to pick them all up. 15 bags of them.

Now I have to figure out what we're supposed to do with them.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daughter Number One is Down

Audrey lost the immunity race. She got the H1N1 vaccine last Thursday but Tuesday she came down with the flu. It takes many weeks to build immunity after vaccination. Of course it could be seasonal flu for which she wasn't vaccinated.

It started with vomiting two days ago (none since). Now the poor thing is afraid to eat anything. But we just got some chicken soup in her.

I think I had it last week. If I did it was the mildest flu I've ever had. I hope Charlotte and Carol can avoid it. Probably not but extra hand washing going on to try.

Friday, November 13, 2009


This morning as I was about to leave for work Charlotte scribbled this
picture and said, "Daddy, here is a picture of me so you can remember
me when you're at your work."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Robot Blueprints

Click on image for larger version
Last night Audrey drew the outlines of a robot. She said she wanted it to look more "metally", so Carol showed her how to draw shading. This morning after breakfast she proceeded to shade the whole thing. Then she wrote numbers and explained to me the order in which I needed to assemble the robot's parts.

The drawing also breaks out the parts I will need. On the right are arms and the body plus some bolts. She says I'll need lots of bolts (they are #10). On the left are antennae, a neck, ears and claws. The upper right is the order of assembly. And just below that is the small paintbrush that I'll need to paint the small crack near the robot's left eye.

This is right up there among my favorite drawings that Audrey has ever made.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Audrey's First Skating Class

Today was the first day of the season for Melrose Youth Hockey. They have a "Learn to Skate" program in which Audrey is registered. They don't teach any hockey skills, they just focuses on skating. Audrey loved it and learned a lot on her first day. The class runs every Saturday from November through mid-March. I bet she'll be a great skater by then.

The Leaf Pile

I wrote last week about raking the leaves into a pile for the girls to jump in. Here's some video of the event. We still have a lot of leaves. I think we'll have to have round two tomorrow since my friend Bill and his brood will be here soon for a visit.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Autumn Visitors and Foliage

Carol's parents Dennis and Mary were our guests for the second half of October. As always, it was wonderful to have them with us. Charlotte spent the first whole day glued to Grandma's lap.

We did some fun sightseeing together. We took the T into town and then the T ferry across the harbor to Charlestown to visit the USS Constitution Museum. Carol also took them to walk part of the Freedom Trail and back up to Russell Orchards to buy pumpkins.

Dennis and Mary borrowed our car for a couple of days and drove to Provincetown at the end of Cape Cod. While on the Cape they also visited Plimoth Plantation. The fall colors were almost at their peak when Dennis and Mary left so they got to see that, too.

We were sad to see them leave. We look forward to seeing all of the grandparents again when we visit them in February.

Speaking of fall colors: they were quite beautiful this year. The amount of color depends on weather conditions throughout the spring and summer - how much water they get and when, plus the temperature range the trees experience. This year the recipe was just right. Then once the color appears ill-timed wind or hard rain can strip the trees before we can enjoy the colors.

I finally took some photos on the way to work one day this week. And Carol took a few around the house as well. The downside of deciduous trees that turn colors? The leaves fall off and must be raked. And raked. And raked.

That raking has a benefit of it's own: it produces a very large pile of leaves that's perfect for jumping into. Audrey and Charlotte loved it. And the neighbors kids Anna and Parker came over and joined in the fun.

We've had plenty of other fall fun, too. The girls went to a big Halloween party at Audrey's school a week ago. On Halloween itself we had dinner at the neighbors' and then all the kids and the moms went Trick or Treating while the dads handed out candy at their respective houses. We got a lot of kids! Our retired neighbor Victor was telling me today that when their kids (now in their 20s) were young the neighborhood was full of kids, but they all grew up and moved away. He's enjoying the fact that many families with kids have moved in again. So are we.

I've been meaning to mention Tessa, the female tabby we brought home from the shelter in August. She is the perfect cat. We are really in love with her. In case you missed it, I posted a video of her playing fetch with Carol.

Yesterday we visited the Museum of Science for Harry Potter: The Exhibition. The girls have never seen the movies (and won't for several years, probably), but they like wizards. They really liked the exhibit. We also saw the "lightning show" in the Electric Theater and spent a bunch of time in the Discovery Center. We barely touched the main museum, but we bought a membership so we can go whenever we want now. It's a fantastic museum.