Through a combination of life being pretty busy and broken software, I haven't been able to post photos to for a long time. I finally found a different way to get the images up, so here are five new photo albums for your viewing pleasure.
First, the family photos:
Audrey is talking more clearly every day. She's starting to put together some four- and five-word sentences that are even grammatically correct. Her vocabulary is huge and continues to surprise us. The other day she was in the yard with me when she heard an aircraft. First she said "airplane", which was one of her first words. But then she looked again and said, quite clearly, "No, helicopter!" I didn't even know she knew that word.
We enjoyed a very pleasant evening at Alki Beach a mile from our house. It's becoming a tradition that we go to our favorite pizza place (Pegasus Pizza) on Alki every Friday when I get home from work.
May has gone by in a flash. My parents have returned from their winter home in California and Carol's from their winter home in Tucson. It's nice to see them again, and the girls get to spend time with their grandparents again. This morning Carol was going to drop Audrey off at my parents while she took Charlotte for her 6-month checkup. Audrey was marching around the house shouting, "I need Grandma's house!"
We also had a surprise visit from my old friend Philip Keller, with whom I worked at Boeing way back in 1983-1986. Phil is a dual US-Swiss citizen and has lived in Lausanne, Switzerland for the past ten years. So we don't get to see much of him and his wife Lysiane. But Phil was in town for a conference so we had him over to the house for breakfast. Then we got to see Lysiane briefly when they were on their way out of town. It's always wonderful to see them.
And some miscellaneous stuff:
The garage project is under way in a major way. On May 9th, my brother-in-law Frank hauled his excavator up to Seattle and tore up the old slab and dug the trenches for the foundation and utility conduits. So now our back yard is a big dirt pile. But since then the conduit has been installed, the sewer and water pipes have been installed and buried and the plumbing in the house (for the water supply) is complete. The foundation forms are also in place and awaiting inspection tomorrow. The current plan is to pour the foundation on Monday, then I'll take the day off Wednesday and drive a Bobcat all day backfilling the foundation and grading the site for the garage slab and sidewalks and the slab should be poured next Saturday.
Phase 1, mentally for me at least, is to get the new foundation and slab all in place and the back yard into some semblance of normalcy. Then I'll worry about Phase 2, which is actually building the garage. Frank and Tricia think we can frame it in a weekend if everything is here. I'll keep you posted.
I currently work as a subcontractor to a consulting company named POWTEC, for Prince of Wales Technology Enterprise Consortium. The company is owned by two small Alaskan native tribes. On Mother's Day weekend the company flew all the employees (about 30 of us) to their "headquarters" in Craig, Alaska - a town of about 1500 people. It was a very enjoyable and educational trip.
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