Sunday, July 16, 2006

Garage Framing Complete

My hugely generous family - brother-in-law Frank, sister Tricia and father Douglas - gave up another day of their lives to come over July 7 and finish the framing of the garage. We had to build the overhangs on the gables, install the barge boards, sheath the remaining walls and then sheath the roof. I should say that Frank did the bulk of the work and we helped him and tried not frustrate him too much.

I now have only a few small tasks to do before we can call for the framing inspection (one of about seven inspections total - we've already done pre-construction, foundation and setback inspections). Once we pass the framing inspection, we can install the roofing and siding and get the garage "dried in". Hopefully I'll get to where I can request the inspection this week.

Last week I had crushed rock delivered and we re-surfaced the alley and blended in the "ramp" to the garage slab. At that point we could park the cars in the garage. Our street is a little busy and we no longer have to load the kids in the car with rude drivers passing going too fast.

By the way, Frank prepared the lumber list for me from the drawing. When the garage was all framed we had about four studs, six 2x4s and six sheets of plywood left. That's a pretty damn good estimate!

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