Monday, October 2, 2006

Garage: Exterior Paint Complete!

After a big push taking four weekends in a row and a bunch of weeknights in between, I finally got the garage all sided and caulked and otherwise prepared for painting and then finally painted. I'm very excited to be over that hump - it was looming over me and I was racing the arrival of wet fall weather.

We thought we were pretty set on barn red with white trim. But shortly before we had to choose, Carol drove by a navy blue house that she liked. I agreed. We painted five color samples on the garage and house: three reds and two blues. We both really liked the darker blue, so we went with that.

I left my old job a day early, taking Friday off. I spent the day doing the last of the caulking and masking. I also rented scaffolding again. Saturday I rented a paint sprayer and hired Jose from the Home Depot parking lot to mask the house. I had started that task, but there was a chance of rain on Sunday so I really had to get the painting done on Saturday. It worked out very well. Jose got the house masked while I painted the garage. I've never used a sprayer before. It only took about two hours to paint the entire garage, including moving the scaffolding.

By the time I finished the garage the house was pretty much ready to go. It went very quickly too, and we were finished by 3:30.

So now the garage is completely weatherproof and ready for winter. It is such a relief to have gotten to this stage. Now I can just relax and work on the interior at my leisure. Carol will like having her husband back on weekends. She was getting pretty burned out on doing 95% of the childcare 7 days a week. And a bonus: we got rid of the teal house color that we have never liked.

This morning the electrician came and roughed in the wiring inside the garage. He'll be back Thursday to finish the interior and also install the new panel and meter on the garage. Then we have to wait for City Light to come and move the "tap" - the main line from the pole. We are moving it from traversing 70 feet from the alley to the house to traversing only about 25' from the pole to the garage. Service to the house will be underground in conduit that we buried at the beginning of the project. We'll be doing the same with the telephone and cable TV lines.

Next up: plumbing the toilet and sink in the studio. Then final framing inspection, insulation and drywall. All in good time...

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