Monday, June 23, 2008

Conversations With a 4-year-old - Part 1

Remember Ken Jennings, the guy who won 74 rounds on Jeopardy!? I've been reading his blog for a couple of years now and always enjoy it. He happens to have kids the same age as ours. One of the occasional features on his blog is "Conversations with a 4-year-old". I'm blatantly stealing the concept (and the title!).

Last night Audrey wanted me to read her first bedtime story on a stuffed animal/chair that is in the shape of a giraffe. After the story, she showed me that she could stick her fingers in the giraffe's nostrils. I asked if she was picking the giraffe's nose. She said, "No, he's just a stuffed animal. He's filled with stuffing."

I asked, "What are you filled with?"

She assumed that sheesh-what-a-dumb-question tone and said, "Meat!"

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