Saturday, December 3, 2011

Charlotte Turns Six

Wow, how did that happen? Our youngest child turned six years old last weekend!

Charlotte anticipated her birthday for at least three weeks, reporting to us each day how many more days until the big one. She was also excited that she was going to have two birthday celebrations: a "family birthday" and a "real party".

We celebrated Charlotte's family birthday on the day before her actual anniversary. She wanted a pilgrim hat cake (since it was Thanksgiving weekend) with very little frosting - just the strap and buckle.

One of my favorite photos from Charlotte's 5th birthday is of her wearing a birthday crown. I wanted to reproduce it this year so Carol drew me a nice outline and I decorated it. Charlotte added the green dots. She wore it a lot of the weekend.

Charlotte requested Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast on her real birthday so of course we obliged. Charlotte's had a chocolate syrup face but she spread it around before I remembered to get a photo.

Finally, Sunday afternoon six friends came over for the real birthday party. Carol is the master party organizer and had several activities planned, including each guest making her own beaded necklace and then dressing up "fancy", including bouquets and satiny gloves from the dollar store. The cake for the birthday party was a princess with no frosting. Guests who wanted frosting could add their own (which they enjoyed). Charlotte and all her guests had a wonderful time. Audrey had her own guest, too: Isabella - and they had fun together.

Now both girls are counting down the days until Christmas.

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