Saturday, February 18, 2012

Audrey Turns Eight

Wow, we have an eight-year-old: Audrey turned 8 in early February. We had a family celebration on her actual birthday (of which it appears we took no photos!). Then we had a "friends" birthday party at Plaster Fun Time on the weekend with a collection of Audrey's school friends.

For her birthday Audrey received a couple of highly-desired (by her) gifts including a Ripstik, a radio-controlled helicopter, and a voice-activated "password diary" (it only opens when she speaks a password).

Audrey sometimes acts like she is eight going on fifteen. She constantly challenges us as parents, but that is exactly her job - to grow and push the boundaries and learn what they are. Carol and I are learning and adapting as we go. We love the journey and feel very fortunate that we always seem to see eye to eye.

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