For the third year in a row Audrey and I traveled to New York for World Maker Faire. Maker Faire celebrates "maker" culture: people who like to learn their own technical, mechanical and electronic skills and bend technology to do things it wasn't designed to do. I like to bring the girls (Charlotte and Carol went last year but Charlotte chose not to this year) so they can see that they can make anything they want if they put their minds to it.
Audrey enjoyed the day very much. She loved all the cool and creative things to see and do, but her favorite part of Maker Faire is the gyro stand.
This year we drove down and back on the same day to save hotel costs and to have all of Sunday back home for projects. When we left Maker Faire at about 6:30 we discovered we had a flat tire. Audrey had the opportunity to see how to change a tire, but the 50 miles per hour maximum speed rating on the spare wasn't going to serve us too well for the 200 mile drive home. In an excellent use case for smart phones I was able to find a Sears auto center not too far away and they agreed to stay open late to help us. They were incredibly efficient and kind and they wouldn't even accept a tip for staying late. 20 minutes after we arrived Audrey and I were heading to the freeway for the drive home. That was the cherry on top of a great day.
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