I've been thinking about making time-lapse videos of my bike commute route for many years. Now that I have the GoPro camera it's dead simple. Yesterday morning I finally remembered to mount the camera and off I went.
The video is shot with an image taken every half second. After conversion, the end result is that the motion is sped up about 10 times. Some of those cars crossing my path look like they are cutting right in front of me (which does happen a lot) but I'm not approaching them as fast as it appears.
One thing I notice is that with the distorted time and the resulting rapid light changes as I ride in and out of shadow is that you lose all sense of up and down. There are several hills along the route but one can hardly tell in the video.
1 comment:
Love the tar lines on the back streets. Hard to tell from time lapse but some of it looks pretty hairy for bikes. At least you passed the dude with the baby seat.
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