Saturday, March 14, 2015

Geography Le$$on

Audrey discovered the roll of foreign currency that's been on my dresser forever. In the 90s I travelled a lot for business and then used the miles I earned to travel even more for pleasure and adventure. Looking at the bills provides a good geography lesson (and a trip down Memory Lane).


  • Asia: China, Hong Kong, Kazakstan, Korea, Macau, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand
  • >
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland
  • North America: Canada and Mexico.

I've also been to Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Chile, England, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain but apparently didn't keep any bills from those countries. I have a large jar of foreign coins that probably contains money from several of them.

I'm very excited for the girls' first overseas trip coming up in just a few weeks!

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