Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Goodbye, 1970s Basement!


Ever since we bought this house six years ago we've wanted to refinish the basement.

It was finished in the 1970s with shag carpet and panelling. It was quite dark. Plus the basement has had water issues so we were sure there was rot and mildew and probably mold under the carpet and in the wall insulation and framing.

That project has finally made it to the top of the list. We've gotten bids from a few contractors, but it was hard to envision a new space while the old walls were in place. We just wanted to clean the slate so we could imagine the full range of possibilities.

Today a demolition company came and removed the 1970s from our basement.

We're not going to do anything fancy. It will mainly be a TV/recreation room with an electronics workbench in the corner for me and some kind of art and craft area for Carol, plus some partitioned-off storage in the rear portion. We are hoping to add a 3/4 bath (we currently only have one shower, and we'll soon have two teenage girls), but we'll see how much that costs. Plus finish out a laundry room and enclose the boiler and water heater. Keep it simple.

Having the dark, musty surfaces removed has made us happy today.

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