The big news lately is that Charlotte is walking! It took her a while to figure it out, but then about a week and a half ago she decided it was time. For a few days she could only make it 10-15 feet, but now she can go about as far as she wants if there are no obstacles. She's quite pleased with herself.
Charlotte didn't dress up for Halloween, but Audrey did. And she went trick or treating for her first time. We didn't get any photos, but she was wearing her princess dress, of course. She was a little leery at the first house or two, but then she started to get the idea and couldn't wait to get to the next house. It was a very chilly night, though, so we only went about a block from home and then back. I went with Audrey while Carol and Charlotte stayed home to hand out candy.
The rainy season has arrived. It has been raining for three days and is forecast to rain for the foreseeable future.
In other news, we're making a concerted effort to get Charlotte to sleep better (i.e. through the night). We kept having setbacks due to colds or whatever. But now Charlotte is sleeping pretty well from about 7pm until 4:30am. Carol nurses her and then she'll sleep until 7:00 or 7:30. Life is improved for Carol with some better sleep.
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