This photo set is several weeks old, but I'm finally getting around to publishing it. Much has happened on the Charlotte mobility front since then, but you'll have to wait until later in the weekend for details. I can't get the narrative ahead of the photos!
I took the first week of October off between jobs. Everything needed to weather-proof the garage for the rainy season was done on the first weekend, so we took off to Richland for a few days to visit Carol's parents. As always, a very enjoyable and relaxing time. Carol and I got to take Audrey to the park while the grandparents watched Charlotte. Audrey loved the attention.
It is sinking in to our minds that Charlotte is almost a year old (in three weeks) and Audrey is almost 3 years old (in three months). Being a full-time mom is a challenge, but there is nothing Carol would rather be doing. Audrey is constantly gaining independence: she's starting to want to try to dress and undress herself and tonight she wanted to feed Charlotte instead of me doing it. And she did a fine job.
Poor Charlotte doesn't get nearly the level of praise for new skills as Audrey did when it was all new to us. We're continually surprised at the things Charlotte can do. Yesterday Carol and the girls were playing when they found the pants that go to a doll named Henry. Carol said to Charlotte, "Those are baby Henry's pants." Next thing Carol knew, Charlotte had gone and found Henry and was doing the best she could to apply Henry's pants. Charlotte is also now very into feeding herself. She'll barely take baby food from a spoon lately, but give her a tray of Cheerios or a pile of rice and beans and she'll go to town. She has a clear signal when she's done, too: wipe it all off of the tray onto the floor.
My job transition has gone very smoothly. I've been in the new job for four weeks now. I've adjusted to the very different work environment (private offices, so very quiet). The nice weather we had over the summer held until this week. Monday through Wednesday I rode my "dry" bike to work, but yesterday the fall rains arrived for good. It was dumping during both directions of my commute yesterday and wet (but only raining lightly) today. I bought a brighter headlight yesterday (so now I have three on my bike!) because a couple of drivers obviously had trouble seeing me and almost took me out. When you're driving respect cyclists' safety! It's the law, and those cyclists have families just like you do.
Oops, there I go letting the narrative get ahead of the photos. Stand by for another post later this weekend an then we'll be up to date.
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